Fair appearances 2025
Let's meet in person.
Get informed about all the current and upcoming events where Cognizant Mobility will be represented in 2025. We look forward to meeting you on-site – whether as a business partner, student, or innovation driver.
CES | Las Vegas | 07. - 10.01.2025
Auto Shanghai | 23.04. - 02.05.2025
IAA Mobility | Munich | 09. - 14.09.2025
Auto.AI Europe | Berlin | 28. - 30.09.2025
CMxC Die Corporate Mobility Conference | Munich | 13.02.2025
15. Automobilwoche Conference - Next big things | Munich | 26.02.2025
IT-Tage | Berlin | 05. - 07.05.2025
European AI and Cloud Summit | Düsseldorf | 26. - 28.05.2025
DevOpsCon | Berlin | 16. - 19.06.2025
WeAreDevelopers World Congress | Berlin | 01.07.2025
automotiveIT Kongress | Berlin | 18.09.2025
ELIV - Internationaler VDI-Kongress | Bonn | 15. - 16.10.2025
Job events
CONTACT | Ingolstadt | 07. - 10.04.2025
Jobmesse Hannover | Hannover | 28.08.2025